So I'm going to start off with some words of advice: DO NOT drink tea that is caffeinated (no matter how utterly delicious it is) anytime before bed. I did this tonight, and this is why I'm writing this at 3AM.
I keep on looking at this photo that I took in Sonoma this weekend. Every time I do, I remind myself where I want to be in the future. I want to have my own studio space eventually (not necessarily in the city). Someplace with a cozy lounge area, a room or two for taking photos, etc. This is the path I've started to lay foundation for.
Somewhere down the thought process, I start thinking about how everything did a 180 for me just as summer was staring in '09. Everything changed. Key word: everything. I caught everyone off guard, including myself. I ended up taking that hard way through things, and there were days where it was hard see to the light at the end. But I made it through... and I landed to where I am right now.
Was it hard? Absolutely. Do I regret any of it? No. I'm doing what I am meant to do while helping others remember that one moment where they were surrounded by so much love.